Saturday, September 13, 2008
A lot other shrugs. Goodness,take drugs! Isn't it a good idea? Wobble your way down. And tell me what its like! What a way to begin it all SHRUGerrrsssss! I'll say,Over the red light district,"Hello mr Convict!"
According to me. I have excelled in activities such as chilling and laughing. Can say that probably I chill and laugh half of my life away. Hope to represent Singapura in it one day and sometimes i wish there was no such thing as Time.
On the other note: im a girl who enjoys her shit.
Anyway here's a quote. "No justice will be dealt unfair,If in your heart you're kind" Geddit?
suhaili @ Saturday, September 13, 2008 | comment
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Thursday, September 04, 2008
"But, there are time I have to smile,Cause, he was mine, just for a little while."
suhaili @ Thursday, September 04, 2008 | comment
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