welcome to me.most exciting things I Do:are Chunks of Jargons that one speculate boredom but & exclusively entirely otherwise for me. |
Monday, November 28, 2005 UNGU VIOLET...sebuah karya dari RAKO Prijanto...hmm..the story was a "soul one."..picked some words from the movie."semua tidak akan berjalan seperti kita mau..kadang kita berharap,tuhan akan menunjuk jln kita dan membuka takbi rahasianya..seperti matahari terbit di timur dan terbenam di barat, atau seperti waktu yg tak pernah berhenti,perasaanku akan slalu dekat dengan mu..sepi bicara,betapa sempitnya waktu betapa terasa besarnya cinta..tidakpun aku percaya ada hidup setelah mati, kita tidak akn bertemu lagi..kita slalu mencoba untuk menghargai agar hidup lebih berarti..meskipun kecil tapi embun adalah petanda musimnya seni..suara burung atau bunyi yg indah adalah bukan pilihan..duanya akan selalu ingin kita nikmati..jika aku harus memilih,aku tidak akan mimilih..kerna angin akan selalu membawa legenda cerita kita yg akan selalu berakhir bahagia..hanya waktu yg bisa merengutmu dari aku." ...hmm..its easy to understand.deep in meaning.geez.soul soul thing.so sweet. .............................. ................. .............. adious.
Sunday, November 27, 2005 Title: "Mimpi Anak Biasa"aku punya mimpi orang kata.. mimpi itu jauh.. hanya org berlayak mampu mengejar bagi aku.. mimpi itu adalah impian impian untuk terus berjuang dlm hidup kadang terasa sempit untuk pergi ke sana kerna.. wang ngga ada ilmu ngga cukup yakin diri turut tak menolong.. tapi fikir aku.. untuk mimpiku bangun untuk hidup ialah.. untuk keluar dari lembar mimpi tidurku untuk buat tidak endah pada smua dan pergi trus maju ke depan.. aku harus hidupkan mimpiku tuk mimpiku bernyawa untuk hidup dan bukan mimpiku mati sebelum bernyawa... ...its a version..a so called make up words from the my own title which is,"mimpi anak biasa"..i feel like writing..my mood comes in the way oredi..hmm..badly wants to reach i wanna to achieve..but dunno how to go n start about it..which ppl shud i approach..n how?..sucky ya..so wat now?..my plan tomorow.woke up early in the morning and find a job..if cant get..wat i do is go back home n watch tv.ehehe..nola..plain stupid plan of mine..meet my nenek..her kaki was bengkak..hope get well soon nek,lup u.went to rumah bibik liza.balqis was all over her house.funny ar she..den she dance do sum headbanging..cute neh..eheh..gez all here then..till here eh..adious
Sunday, November 20, 2005 hmm..today is sunday..feel kind of slacky..googy..those feeling..heh..the cuaca is kind of moody..mendung..lagi rasa mls..hmm..i tink im starting my revision so so so later today..hmm..woke up in the morning..my head is like shaky..cant sleep yesterday...3.30 den i get to sleep..woosh..hmm...den now my sister fren come for raya..sothe suasana is like noisy,lively..with soul..yep2..hmm..now im watching tv..my father is sleeping..my mother is talking to my neighbour..im all alone..alll alone...ehehehe..siaw..so my plans after O is to have fun.its fun going crazy.but mesti have limits.thats wat i noe,n ppl noe,my father always said that..hmm..ya.i remember aite..hmm..now i feel like writing something..hold on...i tink i need a break a little time to think so wats wrong with ohiooo... ehehehe...hmm..song from texas i guess.... hmmmm...... its started again everything's back to jumble me up here and there how life can be contradicting in a wooshy world i say.. hmmm wake me up in the morning tell me im dreaming or slap me in the night and tell me its true now u see everything is going in my way how hell life can be once everything gone and at once they came stop at ur face .....now its 5 pm...k.adious.
Friday, November 04, 2005 after a month puasa...came raya..today is raya..yikz...early morning get up..den my mother was talking about kueh yg dia jual lemau..then she buat kueh lagi...not that much...bit only..hmmm..den i ate cik ros food..she always gave us food during raya..in fact..all other days when she cooked food..she gave it to us..loads of nice food..so my neighbour give me all the food..mak nab,cik lah..(,")....so i ate ..nasi with serondeng and all..but no ayam masak merah..but its ok..there is ayam masak rendang..gud enuff..while eating keep asking my mom for duit raya...she kep ignoring me..talk bout other things..i pester her...ehehhe....finally she give duit raya...hee.."mother mah"...den wanted to gosok baju..den there was this call..said.."hello..no org dari johor.boleh dtg tak?"..den my mother was like,"sapa nie"..den dis person was like,"org dari johor"..den my mother,"sape nie"..den at last..my mother say,"dtgla.."...den dis person say,"ok..kite kat bwh blok.."..my mother keep wondering who..ahahah..gez wat..it was paman bat..joker man..lol..balqis is soo sweet now..grow up..can walk oredi..hmm..n bazli is getting so called,"mat hensem"..krekrkekre..cute uh..bik liza give me duit raya..thankew.lup u.ehehe...den came cik rosnah n family..den followed by cik elsa..hmm..kinda late..den about 5 in the afternoon den we went out for raya...first house rumah obek jasmah.loads of ppl.so packed.i dunno how to react..but just give tt dumb look n go in..ehehhe..den go rumah obek siti...more peaceful...eat the food there..rumah obek jasmah pun mkn..very nice..ehehe...den rumah nenek..tot after eating rumah nenek nak duduk sebelah dia..den aci dtg..tak jadi nak picit..miss out this yr..panjang umur nek..luv u always..she's da only nenek i hav..i really hope she can see me working....:)...hmm..im not that tired...been actually slack for the day...do things slowly..so wont feel the heat..ehehehe...hmm..3 more days to o level..sucky ...hmm..tomorow im going out..hp again..fav spot to study..den mayb wanna watch exorcism of emily rose..hmmm...:)..insyallah..if i studied hard la..hmm..now here i am..im so stressed up.my days are numbered uh..o level..make it or dunt..my life still move on.it better be.my dreams are yet to be achieved.its not dark sue!!!kla..uhm..selamat hari raya eh.apa2 ..maafkan..till here.adious
Prefer living within own expense.No point aiming when its not yet.im a on-GOIng dreamer extremists. chinese.is.you@gmail.com Listen. archives 04/01/2004 - 05/01/2004 links Roslinah You tag.I read. |